Account Linking
Effortlessly connect and manage your accounts with Deeqtoon.
Facilitate easy and secure deposits.
Visa & Mastercard
Access global payment networks with ease.
Payment Gateways
Integrate and process payments smoothly.
Trade Services
Simplify your international trade transactions.
Business Banking
Manage your corporate banking needs efficiently.
Key Features of Dhaweeye API:
Real-Time Notifications
Receive instant alerts for any payments or transactions made to your accounts.
Smooth Integration
Connect the Dhaweeye API with your existing business systems, such as accounting software, ERP systems, and financial management tools.
Enhanced Efficiency
Automate the notification process, eliminating the need for manual account monitoring.
Robust Security
Our API ensures secure and encrypted communication between your systems and the bank, safeguarding your sensitive financial data.
Tailored Customisation
Customise to fit your organisation’s specific needs, with personalised notifications and detailed transaction insights.
Comprehensive Transaction Support
The Dhaweeye API supports a wide range of transactions, including deposits, withdrawals, transfers, and payments.
Do you need more clarification about API Solutions?
One of our experts is waiting to answer your questions. Fill and submit the form and we will call you back.
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