Invest in Somalia

Somalia is rapidly turning into an emerging market, with significant improvements in its investment climate.

With a dynamic entrepreneurial scene and untapped natural resources, the country has become a promising place for investors seeking high growth markets.

If you’re looking for advice and want to play a part in the country’s sustainable development, we are here to help at every stage of your investment journey.

Get in touch with one of our advisors

Resurgent Economy

Somalia's economy has witnessed remarkable resilience, demonstrating its potential for robust growth. GDP is showing YoY growth, championed by a steady private sector.

Improving Economic Environment

The introduction of a national payments system, and the Investors and Investments Protection Law have shored up the regulatory environment. With debt relief admission into the East African Community, Somalia’s doors are firmly open to business.

Natural Resource Potential

With the longest coastline in Africa, a strategic location, and 8.9 million hectares of cultivable land, Somalia offers abundant opportunities for diverse investments in renewable energy, agriculture, livestock, and fishing.

Youth Demographic

70% of Somalia's population are under 30. We are home to a dynamic and young workforce, ready to learn and rebuild their country.

Infrastructure Development:

Ongoing investments in transportation, telecommunications, energy, and manufacturing have laid the groundwork for the country to export to the wider region. With some of the cheapest data in Africa and subsea cable capacity, Somalia is fast becoming a telecommunications hub for the Horn of Africa.

Case Studies

DaruSalaam City

We financed DaruSalaam City, a modern urban center, complete with residential and retail spaces, and all required amenities. We facilitated the acquisition of land, secured necessary permits, and supported the construction company at every stage of the build journey.

The city has become a thriving hub of activity for professionals and the returning diaspora, with all 800 homes sold and 50,000 jobs created.

BECO Energy and Somalia's first solar plant

Partnering with BECO Energy, we financed Somalia's first solar plant to harness the country's solar potential. This project has reduced electricity costs by 20%, powering the country's development.

DaruSalam Hospital

We financed DaruSalam Hospital, a pioneering hospital in Somalia. It employs over 100 qualified doctors and nurses, to provide high quality medical services to 20,000 patients. The hospital has significantly improved treatment outcomes, especially for conditions previously managed outside the country.